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Endless Tile Player beta

Tile player

Plays different content in a 2x2 or 2x4, 4x2 or 3x3 grid. Each grid position will play either a video in a loop, show an image or run a plugin (most likely a browser).

Tiles can be configured in different sizes and tiles are placed on the next free tile grid position available when calculating the layout.

Do not run too many videos at once or the Pi might crash (and automatically reboot after a few seconds).

This package only works on the Pi4 and Pi5. You can optionally use both HDMI outputs and use either the 4x2 or 2x4 tile grid depending on your display arrangement.

Want to run Endless Tile Player on your Raspberry Pi?

This package is ready to run on your Raspberry Pi using info-beamer.com hosted. Easily manage unlimited number of Raspberry Pi devices and centrally configure and run visualizations like this on them. info-beamer.com is a prepaid service. You only pay for the resources you are using. No long term commitment, no hidden fees. Learn more...

Compatible devices

pi-4 pi-5 pi-cm4

Compatible packages

This package can be extended by importing the following packages as well. You can then add the following packages as a child package of Endless Tile Player to get additional features not included in Endless Tile Player itself.

Embeddable browser

Embedded chromium browser engine for running inside info-beamer

Plugin: Scroller

Displays a horizontal text scroller

Power Saver

Powers down the screen at configurable times. Add to any of your Setups.

Offline support

Yes This package works offline: No external time or data needed