Our usage-based pricing model
The info-beamer hosted pricing model scales up or down seamlessly with how you use our service. There is no minimum price and your costs only depend on the number of active devices and the storage you use. There are no pricing tiers or features locked behind more expensive devices costs. Everything is available to all accounts.Cost is the combination of..

An info-beamer account is completely free and you can sign up immediately. The account allows you to manage devices, assets and more.
Account highlights
Dashboard for managing your account
Permission system to delegate access
Full REST-API for complete automation
Two factor authentication for security
Create your own content with our SDK

Each active** device incurs a daily cost. You can add or remove devices at any time. If you temporarily shut down a device it will not cost you anything after 2 days.
Device highlights
Trivial installation on your Pis
Robust OS for maximum reliability
Automatic (security) updates
Remote device management
Strong self-checks and repairs
use one device for free forever!

Images and videos stored in your account incur a small daily cost based on the exact space used. This cost is independant from the number of devices in use.
Storage highlights
3x redudant storage for your data
Daily backup to a second system
Content delivery network for all data
Easy management for your assets
Encrypted delivery to your devices
you get 1GB of storage for free!
Pricing calculator
You can easily calculate the costs of running an info-beamer hosted installation.
Simply provide the number of devices and the total size of stored content
and you can see the expected costs for your setup.
How does billing work?
Each account has a service credit balance (Learn more). Each day the usage costs are summed up and deducted from your account's credit balance. You can easily add new credits using our built-in shop. Credits can be bought in various quantities. Purchased credits are immediately available after payment.
What happens when I run out of service credits?
You'll get several mails to remind you to add additional service credits to your account. If your balance is negative your devices will show a black screen. Adding credits will immediately resume operation.
How do I pay?
You can add service credits to your account using all major credit cards, PayPal or SEPA bank transfer (within the EU). Credit card payments are instant while PayPal and SEPA transfers might take a moment before the credits are added to your account.
Can I setup automated payments?
Yes. We also support automated credit card based invoicing for customers that have used the service for a while. You can apply for it here.
Do I need a credit card to sign up?
No. A credit card is not required. Once you have signed up and your email address has been confirmed you get 5 € worth of credits added to your account. The first device and 1GB of storage are free, so you'll never pay for that. Payment for the service is only required if you need to purchase additional credits once your usage of the info-beamer hosted service increases beyond the free tier and you run out of credits.
Is my credit card data safe?
Yes. We never receive or store your credit card information at all. We use stripe.com or paddle.com or for all our credit card payments and handling.
We're a large company and need info-beamer set up as a vendor. Is this supported?
Yes. See here.
Can I see my current costs?
Sure. If you navigate to your account page you'll see your current usage of storage and devices with a precise calculation of your current costs as well as an estimate of how long your account credits will last. On the transactions page you can see the transaction history for the last 31 days.
Is the hardware included?
No. info-beamer hosted is purely software as a service. We don't provide hardware but make it as easy as possible to use our service on your Pi or Compute Module hardware. See also this page for expected hardware costs.
Is storage billed in GB increments?
No. Internally it's billed in bytes/day rounded down to the next millicent. So, for example, if you only use 100MB, you only pay 0.002 € per day. Of course you only pay once for storage no matter how many devices use your stored content. So it doesn't matter if you assign a video to all of your device: You only pay once.
Anything I have to consider when adding or removing devices?
Not really. You can add and remove devices whenever you need. Removing a device means you are no longer charged for it. Similarly if you want to temporarily suspend a device, just turn if off. After 2 days you are no longer charged for it. To resume operation just turn it back on.
Is there a volume discount?
If you expect to use more than 100 devices, please contact us regarding custom pricing.
Do you offer discounts for non-profits?
Maybe. Please contact us regarding custom pricing.
Do you offer refunds?
No, but our service allows you to thoroughly test everything without paying anything. This will allow you to make sure that you're happy with our service. Please contact us if you need more service credits for your initial evaluation. In the last 8 years we never had a refund request as a result.
This pricing model seems complicated
At first this might be true. But our service credits based pricing model offers a lot of advantages compared to the usual tiered model: You don't have to decide upfront of how much you want to use the service. It naturally adapts to how much you use the service. Need an additional 20 temporary displays for a trade show? Just add them and you'll only get charged while they are in use. Of course you can always check your expected costs on your account page. Learn more..
I have a pricing related question
Just contact us. We'll be happy to help you with all your questions.
** If a device is added to your account but turned off, you're not charged for it after 2 days.