

About is a service operated by inlua GmbH & Co. KG. Our digital signage solution for the Raspberry Pi can do more (if you want) than simply displaying content in a loop. We have 10 years of experience running digital signage on the Raspberry Pi and love to help you get your screens up and running!

Community Support

Please use the info-beamer Community Forums for free support

We're always monitoring and answering questions there, so you'll get your answer at least as quickly as contacting us by email directly.

Contact by Email

Feel free to get in contact if you have questions or suggestions.

Our email address for support / sales is

We speak English and German, so feel free to use either language in your emails. For account related issues, please use the account message form, so we know the request is made by you. If requested, please grant support access to your account. This uses the normal permission system and you can revoke access at any time.

Commercial Support

Commercial support for info-beamer products is available on request. We've successfully completed various projects together with customers. If you have a digital signage related problem, don't hesitate to get in contact.

If you have purchased a commercial license for info-beamer pi or are using the info-beamer hosted service, we provide limited free support if you have occational questions about using the software or the service. If you require continued support or custom development, please get in contact.


info-beamer started as a small software project created to show information to the visitors of a small conference on a public projector (called a "Beamer" in German). This required a software that makes it easy to change content, edit code and add/remove content while the software is running. Basically we wanted a highly scriptable live coding environment with a simple API so we could update what's on the screen without interrupting or restarting the display.

No such software (to our knowledge) existed back then, so info-beamer was born. Since then, people asked about using the Raspberry Pi to show info-beamer content and the software was ported over. This wasn't an easy task as it required proper usage of available hardware acceleration features on the Pi.

info-beamer pi was born and commercial licenses were (and still are) sold on It was still a complex piece of software as it requires in-depth knowledge of Linux and how to properly manage a system. While that works for some, in general people asked if there was a simpler digital signage solution for the Pi.

In early 2014 development on info-beamer hosted started: A service to simplify deployment, configuration and development of a Pi based digitial signage system. Since then it's been constantly improved. Today it's the result of almost 8 years of work and experience gathered running the service. You can use this experience too. Hope you enjoy it!

Imprint is a service developed and operated by
inlua GmbH & Co. KG
Adlerstr. 51
76137 Karlsruhe, Germany

Amtsgericht Mannheim HRA 707469
USt-IdNr: DE815700750
Persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin:
inlua Beteiligungs-GmbH
Adlerstr. 51
76137 Karlsruhe, Germany

Amtsgericht Mannheim HRB 727311
Geschäftsführer: Florian Wesch
Contact information:
Phone: +49 721 95279192  # This is not a support number. Please use email instead.

Copyright information

Have a look at the copyright information which includes some information about tools used to built this side.