This site uses the following resources to do its job. You should check them out:
- Bootstrap dialog
- Dropzone js
- Handlebars
- Iframe Resize
- JQuery
- Flot
- jquery-minicolors
- tooltipster
- underscore.js
- animate css
- vue.js
- public domain image
- Vuex
- Vue Tags Input
Icons used include
- Raspberry Pi B+ icon on the device page is by Tom Medley from the Noun Project
- Micro sd card icon on the device page is by Evan MacDonald from the Noun Project
- Package download icon on the device page is by unlimicon from the Noun Project
- Help icon on all help pages is by iconsphere from the Noun Project
- Wrench icon for all default nodes on the configuration interface is based on 'Settings' by Alex Auda Samora from the Noun Project
- Icons made by Freepik from is licensed by CC BY 3.0
- Security shield on security feature page made by Freepik from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY
- Calendar icons created by Maxim Basinski Premium - Flaticon
- Icons on the configuration UI partially use eva-icons, licensed under the MIT License.